It’s that time again! Here we review five more great family history blogs. If you haven’t read our first installment, be sure to check it out here.

If you ever come to a family reunion or Sunday dinner at my house you will find a great divide between those members of my family who have caught the metaphorical genealogy bug and those that have not.
Your gift last year was great, but this year we are hear to help inspire you! We want to help you step up your game and get something for your mom that she’ll never forget.
You think all of your photos are perfect…until you decide to preserve them in a printed photo book. Some of our customers get discouraged with their projects when they realize that their photo’s aren’t as good as they hoped. But there is still hope!
Inspiration comes from a lot of sources. For genealogy, it oftentimes comes from others who offer tips and insights on where to turn when you get stuck. In this post, we’re going to refer you to 5 family history blogs that are so good that you ought to read them.
Spring is almost hear, and the school year is approaching its last months. For high school seniors this is the end of a legacy. Most of them will be leaving home, friends and precious memories behind.
We live in a generation of photographs. It’s estimated that in 2014, there was an average of 1.8 billion photos uploaded to social media sites (ie. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, etc.)…every day. It’s time that we start putting those photos to use! Fortunately, is an easy-to-use solution and in this post we review just a few of the great customizable photo products that MyCanvas offers.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and publishing a custom photo book can help you tell a complete story. But what happens when you don’t have enough photos that help tell your life story?
Perhaps as you’ve considered writing a personal history book, you’ve asked yourself, “Where do I even begin?” The undertaking of writing a book can always feel overwhelming. But before you give up, remember that in writing a personal history book, all of the characters already exist, the conversations and experiences have already happened, and you are an expert on the topic! Here are 5 tips to help you get started…
Do you remember the good-old-days when people would come back from vacation and convert all of their photos into a slideshow? It was a rich tradition, many years ago. Dad would dust off the old projector, the family would gather in the living room and happily reminisce together.