Do you remember the good-old-days when people would come back from vacation and convert all of their photos into a slideshow? It was a rich tradition, many years ago. Dad would dust off the old projector, the family would gather in the living room and happily reminisce together.

The room would erupt with the appearance of each new picture. Inside jokes would be revealed, nicknames would be awarded; undoubtedly someone would shout out, “remember that time when…”

Siblings would recall their quarrels, and renew their parents tired headaches, but everything was hushed as soon as that one glamour shot arrived.

In the soft light of the projector, the family would quietly gaze at that picture they took together on the rim of the Grand Canyon, or that beach in Hawaii. The location didn’t matter. What mattered is what that picture represented. It symbolized that one moment when they pulled it together, put aside their attitudes, and put on a smile.

It didn’t matter if the trip was going well, if siblings were fighting, if the family was tired. What mattered was that one quiet moment where they came together in love; that one second. That “click” of the camera.

There were no regrets now, just that moment. Just that picture.

Before moving on to the next image, the family would collectively take a breath. Some would be fighting back tears. They realized now that they are part of glorious team, and while they do face challenges, they face them together; and that’s what being a family is really all about.

We dare you to get this same depth of emotion from your smartphone. The truth is, the way we share pictures nowadays is wrong. We don’t take the time anymore to reminisce together, and we miss out on opportunities to strengthen our family relationships.

Custom travel books are a great solution to this problem. Finally, we can return to sharing these moments together as a family.

Capture these precious moments in custom photo books by My Canvas.
