We’re continuing our series on identifying clothing! Last week, we looked at identifying styles from the 1840s-50s. Now, we’re looking at the 1860s-70s: a period marked by the Civil War and Reconstruction in the United States.

MyCanvas has created this blog series to help those trying to identify old photographs! Our first stop is the early decades of photography.
There’s something deeply fascinating about finding the place your ancestor or relative was buried. Visiting their resting place can form a connection with them. Plus, for genealogists, there’s a lot you can learn about a grave marker or about the surrounding area. Here are our tips for visiting cemeteries and burial sites safely and efficiently!
If you’re creating a custom calendar through MyCanvas, you’ll want to check out these tips for designing one!
Choosing a starting design is simple. Just choose a layout. We’ll help you brainstorm ideas for the rest!
Ready to get started on your personalized family history calendar? Our FAQs will help you on your way to a customized heirloom calendar!
Finding your ancestors’ photos can be a challenge to discovering who your long-ago relatives really were! Here are our tips for finding those photos.
At MyCanvas, we’re doing whatever it takes to get your books, posters, and calendars to you on time.
Show off your summer fun with a summer-themed collage poster or photo book! Sharing these photos in any medium will help you keep your fun summer memories alive.
Start your book soon and set a schedule! Starting early means you’ll have plenty of time to get everything you need and want to make your book perfect in time.