Show off your adventures! Each trip, no matter the length, comes with dozens of stories and memories. Conversations, jokes, pitfalls, near misses, and new experiences. You could practically fill a book with them! If that appeals to you, check out how MyCanvas can help you share the stories as you travel there and back again.

Vacation Books

Even if they’re infrequent, most of us get to go on marvelous adventures away from home. On a vacation, we can explore new places, try new things, and gather incredible memories. With the rise of social media, it’s popular to post these memories and photos where everyone can see. But many of us still like a physical reminder of our travels. With MyCanvas, you can turn our templates into vacation and travel albums to track all of your journeys.

Any one of our templates might be a perfect backdrop for your adventures. However, check out these options:

  • Outdoor Expressions
  • Elemental
  • Noteworthy
  • Surf n Turf
  • European Vacation
  • Shades of Gray

Related: Designing a Travel Album

Save Your Souvenirs!

The things you bought can tell a story as much as your actual memories! Maybe your child got a special reminder of Disneyland, or you found a great shirt. Even mementos like these don’t always last, so it can be fun to take a photo with these items showing off the memories.

These don’t necessarily have to be limited to physical souvenirs! There are also printed reminders of vacation experiences. Scan your souvenirs like concert or museum tickets, menus, playbills, tour pamphlets, and more to get all the details of what you saw and experienced. If you picked up something special while abroad, take pictures, if the items in question won’t work in a scanner. Then pop these photos in at the end of your album

Adventure Books

Don’t go on vacation much? You don’t have to! Anything can be an exciting journey! Photos from activities and events like the list below are just as amazing to put into a book, even if you don’t have to travel far to do them.

  • Hikes
  • Trips to the beach
  • Family reunions
  • Trips to local parks, forests, monuments, or landmarks
  • Recreational activities like boating, rock climbing, skiing, or sledding

Choose anything that helps capture the way you and your family and friends explore the world around you. Then, in one book, you can collect all the photos and memories from your local adventures.


When you head out on your next exciting adventure, make sure you check out our vacation photography tips first! Then head over to to see which photo book is perfect for telling your adventures to your whole family.
